Selasa, 26 Januari 2016

what things I hate most? when I was left alone, when I failed myself, when I do not even know who I was. at my age who are not young anymore even I do not have any achievement that can boast of family and myself. Sometimes I think why god gave me the unfortunate fate like this. is in the midst of people who have an identity and it boasts a while I was not. I know as an adult when in my childhood I was always fine and never harm others. this time an unpleasant incident will recur. I'd left my friends again. they will have a better life while I still be a failure like this. no specials and no fun. I only see the success of my friends while I was destined to fail alone. I do not even have a friend to tell because they already have their own identity and don’t have friends who are still failing like this. aahh why all like this. really annoying. if only I had died at a young age. I may not be as confused as this. do not have a sense of envy have no sense complaining and comparing oneself with others

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